MovNat Natural Ground Movement – Specialty Workshops
The Natural Ground Movement specialty workshop provides the first and only Fitness, Rehabilitation & Prevention method that is backed by nature, biology and evolution. Fundamental human movement meets the magic of flows in this unique 2-day specialty workshop!
Over two days you’ll take a deep dive into how we use Natural Ground Movement as the basis to build breathing, flexibility, mobility, stability, motor control, strength, efficiency and adaptability. Restore and develop your overall movement ability and competency, with real world application.
This unique Natural Ground Movement Workshop is based on the science around the Neuro-Development Sequence. This is how human beings have learned to move since birth but also at any age and for any level of athletic performance. The movements we learn in early childhood build the foundations of a balanced body, mind and soul well into adolescence and adulthood.
By taking you down to the floor (supine, prone, quadrupedal, sitting, kneeling, and getting up), this 2-day workshop will teach (or re-teach) you the skills that came with your exploration of the world in your early years, helping you to unlock long-lost movements.
Enjoy the integration of movement theory and practice through Natural Ground Movement positions, transitions, and improvisational and playful flows!
An accompanying card set helps to support your own exploration and application of Natural Ground Movements.

Upcoming Natural Ground Movement Workshops

Who is the Natural Ground Movement workshop for?
The short answer is – Anyone! Here is a short list of those that can benefit from this revolutionary workshop:
- Anyone wanting to maintain or improve ability and confidence to move well as they age, learning how to regain the ease of movement found in our youth.
- Anyone seeking tools to help with injury prevention.
- Competitive and dedicated athletic performers, looking to advance their game through and are looking for advancing in their specialty through improved mobility, stability and patterns.
- Those transitioning from performance based fitness to a more longevity and resilience-focused fitness practices.
- Those seeking foundational strength and confidence following a sedentary period.
- People who spend too much time sitting and need an intermediary step before or alongside a more intensive exercise program.
- Anyone who wants to develop a useful, dynamic movement or exercise practice to apply to real life situations.

What will you do in this workshop?
- Learn the basic structure of the Neurodevelopmental Sequence, including positions, transitions & breathing.
- Apply these principles to adult fitness training through natural ground movement flows and get-ups.
- Discuss how to integrate these principles into areas of healthcare, health management, natural movement skill development (MovNat), and injury prevention & rehabilitation.

What is the science behind the workshop?
Ground Movement is based on skills that enable the development of the higher levels of locomotion such as walking, running and jumping that we all take for granted today, but are mostly lost through a sedentary lifestyle, the emphasis of safety over risk taking and the human separation from his internal and external nature.
Thanks to our modern lifestyle, we increasingly lose the basic conditions, patterns and capacity to perform fundamental movements such as rolling, crawling, squatting, and even breathing.
Understanding this instinctive behavior of Human Natural Movement offers enormous potential for reestablishing lost fundamental conditions like mobility, stability, patterns, strength, movement and neuroplasticity.
Read this article by MovNat Master Instructor & workshop creator, Bernd Reicheneder, to learn more: Natural Ground Movement: A Timeless Approach to Movement Restoration.

What our students are saying

“The Ground Movement Workshop brought me a lot. It’s incredibly fun and leaves you wanting more. You also have time to practice skills during the course and are constantly given more tips and tricks. My mobility improves through the exercises and my flows have become more creative and playful. With the simple transitions you learn, my movements become smoother and more fluid. You learn a lot of techniques, transitions, some theory and of course a lot more. The workshop is well prepared and I was able to take a lot with me for my own practice. Well suited for beginners with some experience. Absolute recommendation.”
-Marlene R.
When your mind wants adventure, but your body isn’t ready, Natural Ground Movement is your gateway.

Questions about this workshop?