If you’re feeling tired, stressed out, or just run down, one of the best things you can do is start moving naturally. Movement is medicine! That’s why many health professionals are now recommending Natural Movement to their patients; MovNat does your body good. And it feels good, too!
So, if you could use a little physical and mental boost, here is a short list of “feel good” natural movements to reduce stress, energize yourself, and clear your head.
If you practice these natural movements for even just 5-10 minutes, you’ll feel better afterward. The best part? All you need is a tiny bit of ground space – just enough to lay down. No equipment is required.
If you practice these movements on a regular basis, pretty soon, you’ll find that your body is craving them more and more. And not just these, but the many other natural movements your body is designed for. Before you know it, exercise won’t feel like a chore or punishment, but something you look forward to.
Practice these natural movements often – exploring the positions and transitions slowly and mindfully – and your body will thank you.
Next Steps
Once you are comfortable with these natural movements, you can try a few things to progress.
1) Try chaining several movements together; moving seamlessly through each position and transition. For example: Front Rocking -> Side Roll -> Base Build -> Knee Hand Rocking -> Knee Hand to Flexed Foot Kneel -> Deep Squat -> Reaches from Deep Squat
2) Turn these movements into a MovNat Combo for a little more of a conditioning workout. For example:
- Front Rocking – 5x
- Side Roll – 3/side
- Base Build – 3/side
- Knee Hand Rocking – 5x
- Knee Hand to Flexed Foot Kneel to Deep Squat – 5x
3) Sometimes, the best way to practice is to just start exploring your movement without a specific plan. Pay attention to how it feels. How’s your posture? How’s your breathing? Do you feel weak, tight, or pain anywhere? If it’s helpful, set yourself a timer for 5-10 minutes and see how much movement you can practice.
4) Focus on deep diaphragmatic breathing in these positions and transitions.
Want some more ideas? There are literally hundreds of natural movements you can do in a tiny space, with little or no equipment at all. Sign up for our free Starter Kit or check out the links below for more resources to get started.
Start Moving Naturally At Home
Our new e-course, MovNat Level 1 Fundamentals, is a perfect resource for beginning your Natural Movement Fitness journey at home! If you want to build your movement and fitness from the ground up and regenerate your body using practical, natural movements that enhance fitness, function, and physical capability, learn more at the link below.
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