Meet the MovNat Team

Erwan Le Corre, MovNat Founder

Erwan Le Corre is the founder of “MovNat”, a synthesis of his long-term passion for real-world physical competency, his love of movement in nature, his extensive knowledge of Physical Education history, and his personal philosophy of life. He believes it is everyone’s universal and biological birthright to be strong, healthy, happy and free. He calls this state of being our “True Nature.” read more

Team Instructors

Click on any Team Instructor’s bio below to see their full BIO, including upcoming Events, movement tutorial videos, journal articles and more!

Stefano Tripney
Master Instructor

Stefano Tripney stands as a multidimensional force, fusing his passions for MovNat, fitness, and martial arts into a harmonious journey of holistic development. With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a dedication to mastering these disciplines…read more

Diana Matula
Team Instructor

Diana loves using natural movement to explore the world and adventure through life. Her passion is helping others gain new skills and create natural movement-based lifestyles that lead to greater empowerment, capability, and resiliency… read more

Ryan McGowan
Team Instructor


Ryan McGowan owns Laid-back Fitness in Warwick, RI where he inspires adults to move better and become more adventurous! He has completed dozens of Obstacle Course Races from 5k to 50 mile ultra events… read more

Peri Zourides
Team Instructor

Peri has a background playing in competitive football and basketball as well as coaching both sports. He’s trained and taught traditional Kung Fu and Tai Chi, has been certified through StrongFirst as a Bodyweight and Level 2 Kettlebell instructor…read more

Munawar Karim
Team Instructor


Munawar’s mission is to help you improve in mind, body and spirit. Regardless of where you are starting from—or your existing limitations (real or imagined)—he is here to help you exceed your own expectations… read more

Scott Southworth
Team Instructor

Scott has been coaching for over a decade now at his studio Catalyst Personal Training in Houston.  He comes from a background in wrestling, parkour, and rock climbing… read more

Rafa Diez
Team Instructor

Rafa Entrenamiento pasó una infancia y parte de su juventud en el norte de España entre bosques y montañas. La vida le encaminó hacia el mundo de la química, alternando con multitud de deportes como la escalada, el atletismo, baloncesto, el montañismo, bicicleta de montaña y la caza. Lee la biografía completa de Rafa aquí.

Marcelo Arancibia
Team Instructor

Marcelo is a physical therapist and a specialist in human performance, and the CEO and director of Movement Solutions, a human performance company that provides services to individuals seeking to enhance their performance through movement…read more

Igor Bilinskyi
Team Instructor

Igor Bilinskyi jest Ekspertem Trenerem MovNat, certyfikowanym trenerem personalnym i założycielem Akademii Ruchu Naturalnego w Bydgoszczy. Jego pasja do ruchu zaczęła się w dzieciństwie, kiedy całymi dniami eksplorował okolice i angażował się w aktywność fizyczną….read more

Jonas Becker
Team Instructor

Das erste Mal in Kontakt mit MovNat kam Jonas 2013. Nach seinem Studium der Sportwissenschaften arbeitete er in einem Fitnessstudio als Trainer. Auf der Suche nach Übungen stolperte er über einen Artikel von Erwan Le Corre, war neugierig, entdeckte das Video „The workout the world forgot“… Lese Jonas’ vollständige BIO hier.

Click on any Instructor’s bio above to see their Full BIO, including upcoming Events, movement tutorial videos, journal articles and more!