By Nick Fialcowitz, Level 3 MovNat Certified Trainer
When people ask me about my trip to New Mexico for my MovNat Level 3 experience, I tell them “Unbelievable”. I tell them “I’m going to need more then a few minutes to explain my experience” because I don’t want to give them the short of the story and leave them with a perspective that leaves them blurry on exactly what I experienced.
I want to tell them about the top of the line coaching I received on movement breakdowns and progressions and the perfect movement demonstrations. I want to tell them about the amazing people I got to interact and learn with. I want to tell them about the beautiful natural environments we got to move and learn in. I want to tell them about the mental and physical challenges I experienced. I want to tell them about the high expectations that are held by the system, but how they can be reached if you practice the ways and trust your training. I want to tell them about all the physical tests I had to endure and succeed in. And when I start talking about my Level 3 experience, I can’t really stop, and it motivates me like I am still in New Mexico.
Level 3 is everything I expected it to be and then some. It had the best coaching for movement I have ever experienced, and I am a Physical Education Teacher who has been through a huge amount of education. The coaches live what they teach and it shows. Level 3 had the beautiful natural environment that got my attention when I saw it online.
If someone wants to experience the best ways to move, then Level 3 will not disappoint. Level 3 had the physical challenges I expected, and many unexpected physical challenges that really push your mind to overpower your body. You can go to Level 3 as best prepared as possible, but it will uncover something or things that you didn’t train and push you to want to be successful. Those who don’t spend much time training in the natural world, Level 3 will expose their fear and discomfort in that environment.
But the thing about the Level 3 event is that everyone there is there to help each other, coach each other, and support each other, to learn, feel, and succeed in one way or another for what they are there for. Level 3 is not for the weak-minded, and it solidified in me that I am not weak minded. Level 3 truly is for the passionate movers and trainers who want to live and teach the MovNat way of life, and I am grateful for the experience I had in New Mexico in September 2019.
I knew right away awhile back that MovNat and its ways to train and live were for me. So, when I dove into pursuing my certifications, I knew and prepared for exactly what I was getting into. Level 3 was everything I perceived it to be and then some. I knew it was going to be held a majority outdoors in a natural setting, and I was excited about that. I was not discouraged or nervous about that at all. For someone who doesn’t spend much time training in the natural world, I saw right away how it could cause those who are inexperienced in the natural world some fear and discomfort. But the thing about the Level 3 event is that everyone there is there to help each other, coach each other, and support each other, to learn, feel, and succeed in one way or another at what they are there for.
You can go into Level 3 as prepared as ever, but somewhere in the event you will grow in a way that you didn’t prepare for and that is a huge part of why I thought my Level 3 experience was so special. On a personal level, my Level 3 experience taught me how mentally tough I can be and how my mind can overpower my body to be successful toward my goals. On a professional level, this Level 3 experience taught me that I am ready to lead and teach others in the MovNat way of life and training methods.
The coaching at Level 3 from Danny, Kellen, and Kimberly was amazing. They really showed me how to break down movements into progressions even a really inexperienced mover can pick up.
Click here to learn more about the
MovNat Level 3 Certification
About the Author

Physical Activity in the outdoors from hiking, biking, fishing, camping, and just playing was a major part of my childhood growing up. My parents loved the outdoors and because of them exposing me to an adventurous lifestyle, I am who I am today. Soccer was also a huge part of my childhood into college. I earned multiple awards in high school and college because of my level of skill, effort, and drive to perform my best all the time. Soccer put fitness into perspective for me. This active and physically fit lifestyle brought me to the path of earning an Associates Degree in Exercise Science from the County College of Morris. I continued my education at East Stroudsburg University earning a Bachelors in Health and Physical Education. After college I taught Health and Physical Education for 2 years to Preschoolers up to 8th graders. I then landed my current job at Sussex Charter School in Sparta, New Jersey where I have been teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th graders for 11 years now. I also coach the school’s soccer team and boys’ basketball team.
I currently live with my wife of 11 years and 2 sons in Northwest New Jersey. We live the only lifestyle that I know, healthy and active. I continue to lead by example, being the best role model I can, teaching my kids, students, and community that being active is the best medicine. I am so grateful to have found and pursued my MovNat Certifications because it has always been a part of my life before I knew about it, and I want it to make a difference in others like it has for me.