We asked the MovNat community…
What does muscle (and its qualities of enabling strength/conditioning/ability/mobility) mean to you?
We were blown away as hundreds of you opened up and shared your responses, as part of our #WhatMusclesAre4 Challenge on Instagram. Many shared practical, everyday observations with actionable advice. Others shared much deeper insights concerning Natural Movement and the lifestyle behind it.
Below are some of the responses that touched us the most. There’s something in here for everyone, and hopefully at least one or two nuggets of wisdom or inspiration that will hit you powerfully, challenge you, and encourage you.
So, here is what muscles are actually for.
Muscles are for holding others up and inspiring the next generation.
Muscles are for adventure and freedom.
Muscles are for doing what you love.
Muscles are for strength and empowerment.
Muscles are for meeting the needs of daily life.
Muscles are for serving others.
Muscles are for the unexpected.
Muscles are for family.
We really enjoyed everyone’s entries for the #whatmusclesare4 Challenge, and there are lots of other thoughtful, inspiring posts that didn’t make this list.
Thanks for playing everyone! Let’s keep the hashtag going!