Level 3 – July 2024 Vienna – Accommodations & Meals for Transfers



This purchase covers the expense of onsite accommodations & meals Thursday night through Sunday morning (3-Nights) at Hohe Wand Nature Park for participants that are transferring into the 2024 Vienna Level 3 Certification Event. It also covers the transportation costs to and from Sporthalle to Hohe Wand nature park, about 1 hour outside of Vienna.

In previous years (2023) this cost was paid directly by L3 participants to Hohe Wand, but for ease and simplicity MovNat will be handling the payment to Hohe Wand in 2024. For this reason the price of the event registration was increased for 2024 and we are requiring anyone transferring into the event to pay this fee.

Please know that if you had attended the Level 3 Event in 2023, you would have still had to pay for accommodations and meals to Hohe Wand separately.