My name is Geri. I’m a Level 3 MovNat instructor and personal trainer. Most people know me as a restless outdoorsy guy who is either running or climbing somewhere, or preaching about how we should move and breathe.
I’m trying to gear my life toward more movement and more time outdoors. I left my career in the tech world behind in order to dig deeper into understanding the body and its capacities, and to help others move better and feel better. As a founder of the Copenhagen-based company “Move As You Are,” I’m integrating Natural Movement into personal training and group classes, and my mission is to promote and share this approach while building a local community.
I’ve been practicing and coaching Natural Movement for a few years now, and I recently earned my Level 3 certification. Knowing that more and more people are getting familiar with MovNat, I thought I’d share a few words about my personal journey, hoping to inspire others.
Before I came across MovNat, I was very focused on sport-specific gains. Besides pursuing climbing and long distance running with an insatiable appetite, I’d been repeating the same handful of drills and exercises countless times hoping to see progress. Overdoing this wasn’t difficult, as I have seen many injuries and setbacks along the way. It worked for a while, but the aches and pains were a clear signal from my body that this was not sustainable. I wasn’t considering the body as a whole, but rather as muscles and tendons that needed to get stronger and joints that needed more range of motion. I was just stuck in the realm of endless grinding, hoping to see constant improvement. Something needed to change.
My MovNat journey started with simple ground movements. At that time, I was looking into ground-based practices—something that would be accessible and help balance out my training. It was yoga that first opened my eyes and taught me to respect my body, but eventually I found it too dogmatic and static for me. I also experimented with Animal Flow, which revealed a new perspective on how free, playful, and organic movement can be. However, I was still seeking something more complete (and less gimmicky).
MovNat seemed way too broad at first glance and I was a bit hesitant, but it appealed to my utilitarian mindset. MovNat ground positions are nothing flashy, but they’re very well-structured and easy to get into, and they offer endless progression and variations. The more I practiced, the more sense it made, and after I laid my hands on Erwan’s book and got a glimpse into the depth and philosophy of Natural Movement, it was a straight path to my Level 1 trainer certification.
I’m not saying that MovNat offers a silver bullet, but I find it to be the most complete physical practice to this day. It changed the way I look at fitness, and it steered me toward a more conscious and sustainable physical practice. I’m still pushing my limits, but I’ve managed to stay injury-free over the past years. I’ve no doubt became stronger and more resilient, but my mindset about movement has also changed.
People frequently ask me how often I work out. I rarely do in the traditional sense, but I move every day – I sit on the ground, I hang, I balance, I move around heavy weights, I go for a run, or I climb. For me, the most important aspect of fitness is the freedom and the physical capacity that enables that. Natural Movement became the glue that binds all my activities together and the method that turned movement into a lifestyle rather than a hobby. I also learned that physical exercise doesn’t always have to come from a place of ego-driven pursuit for constant improvement, but it can also be playful and nurturing. This humble and conscious approach towards physical practice has become the central message in my coaching as well.

My preparation for the Level 3 certification and the certification event itself have definitely been milestones on my MovNat journey. I pretty much knew right after my Level 2 certification that next year I wanted to make it to Level 3 in Europe. It just felt like an obvious step. There was a lot of mystery around the event, and I heard about the low pass rate, which further increased my curiosity and determination. My motivation probably had a lot to do with my character too, and the way I set challenges for myself. My goal was to nail everything on the first go.
Prior to the event, I asked one of our instructors, Jerome Rattoni, if he had any tips for preparation. His reply was “be adaptable.” Back then I didn’t get it, but now it makes complete sense. One thing that probably everyone agrees with is that Level 3 is quite a jump from Level 2. The added intensity and complexity requires solid preparedness in all aspects of human movement.
Having almost a year to prepare, I made myself a list of skills that I needed to master or refine and I put together a plan with a structured weekly emphasis. I practiced diligently and gained more and more confidence in my abilities as I crossed off skill after skill on my list, but I still couldn’t imagine what to expect.
With all the preparation and expectation leading up to it, the first day of the certification started with tense curiosity. After a quick round of introductions, we covered a few skills indoors and received a vague briefing on what was ahead. We drove up into the Austrian mountains, where we got hosted in the perfect location to get immersed in nature and leave the human zoo behind for a few days. Our evening ritual led us through pathless woods to a high meadow looking over a landscape painted by the setting sun.

In the coming days, we constantly encountered spontaneous tests and tasks, which added to the unique atmosphere of the event. The instructors Kathi, Bernd, and Jerome did a great job in helping us to hone our skills. The coaching was coming from a place of true expertise, and we all had many “aha” moments, getting detailed breakdowns of techniques and individual feedback.
At times, I felt like I was at a savage boot camp, and sometimes it was more like a cozy movement retreat. The foreign feeling and the judgmental first impressions quickly dissolved in a growing sense of camaraderie and friendship. As we spent almost all our time together, we quickly grew into a little tribe.
I was among the first to fail one of the numerous tasks we had to complete individually. It took me a while to swallow it, given my intention to pass everything first try, but it also gave me a sense of relief, which I needed in order to ease into the days ahead.
We all got the chance to challenge ourselves and to get a glimpse into the true depth of Natural Movement. The variety of natural environments and the unpredictability we encountered just proved the initial advice true: “be adaptable.” True mastery of a movement skill lies in contextual application, and simply repeating a technique over and over again will never get you there.

Different individuals had different strengths and weaknesses, but everyone got their lessons. My personal challenge was certainly the cold. It was an incredibly humbling experience to spend time in the mountains, crawling around in the pouring rain, only wearing swimming shorts. When you are so exposed to the elements and you are required to perform, your senses get sharper and your focus shrinks to the present moment. This state of mind was familiar from climbing, but I wasn’t prepared for the cold and for trying to gain control over my shivering while holding my breath under water.
Those who took the Level 1 and Level 2 certifications combined know that physical and mental fatigue accumulates over days, adding another layer of difficulty. This was especially true here. Keeping morale high was essential for mustering the strength to push through the last day, and the encouraging words and strong companionship present at the certification played a huge role in this. After the 4th day, we were all sitting in silence, covered in bruises with a satisfied and proud grin on our faces. Four days ago we’d been strangers, and now the group felt like my tribe of crazy barefoot movement nerds. While we were saying our goodbyes and exchanging contacts, I was hoping to see each face again someday.

I can’t think of a single most important takeaway to highlight, but we have been told frequently to “set your intention,” and that particular phrase echoed a lot in my head during the certification. It even changed the way I practice and teach today. Putting your mind into your practice makes a huge difference, and the more present you are, the more it reflects on the quality of your movements and your ability to learn. Setting an intention not only entails heightened awareness, but also provides a purpose and an external goal to direct you through the movement. Having both sides in place helps you to own the movement and perform it with grace and efficiency.
Four days felt like a week, with little time to contemplate and process the experience. The journey certainly doesn’t end here. There’s so much to refine and integrate, and if anything, this was just one of many milestones. I’m endlessly grateful for this experience. It helped me to gain insight into my strengths and weaknesses and to see beyond the physical aspect of Natural Movement.
MovNat stands for a philosophy, a lifestyle, and a community that I’m proud to be part of.
–Gergely Csapo, Level 3 MovNat Certified Trainer

Thinking about going for Level 3?

Get Started With Natural Movement Fitness – TODAY!
The MovNat Level 1 Certification is your entry point into the world’s official Natural Movement Fitness program. It equips you with the knowledge, skills, and methods you need to transform your movement & fitness and build real world capability from the ground up. You’ll learn not only the movements in the official MovNat curriculum, but also the methods to apply those movements to your unique needs, goals, and circumstances.
Over the last twelve years, MovNat has helped thousands of people from all walks of life restore their natural abilities and lay a foundation for a deeper, lifelong movement practice. We are the original, official, and only Natural Movement® Fitness certification, with thousands of certified professionals and dozens of MovNat Licensed Facilities all around the world.
Whether you’re completely new to Natural Movement Fitness, or a seasoned veteran looking to expand your skillset, the MovNat Level 1 Certification is your launchpad to a deep understanding of natural human movement, how to integrate it into your training and lifestyle, and help others do the same.
Want to get started at home? Start today with our MovNat Level 1 Fundamentals E-Course