By Erwan Le Corre
Bonjour! I hope you are having a fantastic summer that is physically dynamic and that involves significantly more movement than the rest of the year. Isn’t it what summer is a lot about, not just being outside more but also moving in nature more?
This is what Natural Movement is all about. Whereas the MovNat method is designed for you to learn efficiency of movement both indoors and outdoors, eventually the whole point is to bring you back to where all Natural Movement comes from: Nature.
With the skills, conditioning and confidence you acquire through MovNat practice, a strong desire for bringing it all back to where it all began becomes both possible and inevitable. It is a beautiful, empowering process of “naturalization” of your movement, body, mind and even spirit back to the universal origins of mankind, back in your very own life. Such a natural, invigorating experience has the power to transform your life, giving you back levels of strength, health, happiness and freedom you may have not experienced in a long time. This, dear friends, has been my vision for you, for everyone, since before MovNat was even born.
I hope that you are either coming back from moving in nature as you read this, or you are about to. Together with Jessika my wife and our three young children Feather, Eagle and Sky, we move in nature very frequently and we just tend to do it mostly barefoot and shirtless. Nothing compares to the feeling of the sun on our almost naked bodies, soaking the light through our naked skin. Jessika is a native New Mexican, half Cherokee, raised at high altitude (10k feet elevation) in the mountains of southern NM. She grew up really close to nature hiking, running, scrambling, hunting…this is the embodiment of Natural Movement. She is not just beautiful but also a very wise woman and I am blessed to share my life with her.
Three years ago now she started an organic skincare company called after our three children: Feather Eagle Sky. Thanks to her love for nature and long time study of plants, she’s elaborated absolutely unique and potent formulas that has already got her a worldwide following and several media articles. Today I want to talk about her incredible Face Protect and Body Protect sunscreens. I know that if you are following MovNat, it is because you are health conscious and want live optimally, as healthily as possible. This is an endeavor which obviously goes beyond movement. Health is a multidimensional approach and how you eat, sleep and other lifestyle choices should matter as much as your physical activity.
I have often been asked if I use sunscreen at all and if yes, what kind. Yes I do and honestly I use only one kind: Feather Eagle Sky. I love the sun. I love being shirtless. But I am from the French Brittany, one of the Celtic nations which are closely related to the Irish and Scottish. With my fair complexion, I tend to get red and to burn relatively easily if I don’t pay attention. So I do need protection especially where I live, the high desert of New Mexico. Combine hot sun and elevation and clearly you must be vigilant with sun exposure in the summer. Now, would I ever rub my skin with any industrial lotion knowing that they are all full of toxic chemicals that will enter through my skin and flood my body within seconds? Of course never. You could drink those chemicals and the result would be pretty much the same, as what you put ON your skin ends up IN your skin the keeps traveling deeper through your organism.
With Jessika’s 100% natural and organic products, I know exactly what goes on and in my body. I know the naturalness and purity of the ingredients, the potency of the formula, the cleanliness and effectiveness of the product. I even know the wisdom and love that goes in manually making the product in small, fresh batches. Both the Face and the Body Protect by Feather Eagle Sky are the only sunscreens I want to use. They protect my skin and nourish it…naturally. What else could I wish for? It’s just perfect. Check out the video. It shows exactly what I am talking about. I certainly invite you to visit her website and order the best sunscreen you’ll ever use.
*Plus you’ll get %20 OFF on both the Face and Body Protect, courtesy of Jessika. Use the code “SunMotion.” Valid until August the 19th.
“This is the BEST non-toxic hydrating sun protection I have ever used. It’s like wearing silky cream yet offers an excellent protection from sunburns. I have fair sensitive skin and burn easily, but not with this stuff!!!”
Allison Courville